Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E (Latest Model)AFV Club
Built out of the box, I like to get the most from the minimum investment, to promote scale model to other people. Spending a small fortune on aftermarket part is not a good way to promote this hobby. just my opinion.Building was simple, nothing to say about it, the whole work is on the painting process. A classic modulation work made from german grey and pale blue grey( from image 036 to 060)Varnish,Streak from AK interactive, chipping made with lightened and darkened grey Oil weathering made with Mig production Abteilung red, grey, rust brown and oil black. image 062 to 078Track weathering made with rust and burnt sienna vallejo pigment then drybrushing steel color Mud texture made with pigment to simulate accumulation on vehicle. Then splatter effect made with dry mud and dark mud (from mig production) and plaster. image 079 to 098spare track and cuppola MG added